What is Cybersecure?
Cybersecure is a website dedicated to helping disadvantaged internet users learn key skills to avoid becoming a victim of one of various types of cyber crimes.
I need help with a specific question?
If what you need help with isn't mentioned on any of the pre-existing pages please navigate to the livechat page above and one of our support staff will be able to help you with your question.
I was hacked on [insert platform here]
You should first attempt to use that platforms password recovery system and then make sure to force the account to log out of all its current sessions. Additionally once recovered consider adding something like two-factor authentication which sends a text to your phone with a code to make sure it is you and not an imposter.
I am being blackmailed via email
A majority of the time this is merely scare tactics by people trying to exploit the potentially vulnerable but if you do have reason to believe that these people hold damaging information over you, you should contact your local law department.
What does ____ mean
While avoiding using any overly complicated jargon its still somewhat inevitable when talking about this subject, below are definitions for a selection of these terms
Software = a set of instructions which tell the computer what function to do.
Virus = a malicious piece of software or code which may damage or exploit the information stored on the computer.
Hacking = an attempt to exploit a computer system and access data that is not their own.
Phishing = a form of scamming in which the scammer pretends to be someone trustworthy which they are not.
Firewall = a computer program that helps stop hackers and viruses that try to reach your computer.
Two-Factor Authentication = an authentication method in which the user is only granted access to a website or application after successfully presenting both their password and another piece of evidence usually in the form of a code sent via text to the users phone or email address.
Malware = malicious software, similar to a virus.
Trojan = a piece of software that pretends to be something safe while secretly doing malicious things.
Doxxing = an action in which someone on the internet posts private personal information about someone else for the world to see.